Custom Software for Business
- New software designed & written to your specifications
- Old software updated
- Integrating or joining together other systems, software or apps
- Replacing expensive software
- Databases, inter-app messaging, services, web sites, cloud, desktop and phone apps
- Inter company/organisation data transimissions and communications.
- Design and mentoring for your developers
- Help at all levels in setting up and running your own software build and deploy process
- Bug fixing and performance improvements
- Entire computing systems designed and built to suit your business
For other code writers
- Loads of free to use resources
- Use our tested and production proven components
- Tools and software For developers
- Heaps of information on the how we build software and why
- Virtual blueprints of our process and techniques
- List of books and other reading material that we recommend
- List of sotware we use and links where we can
Mandurah based, Custom software and solutions
Based in Mandurah, Western Australia, our focus is on providing software services to local businesses.
With the aim of providing the highest quality, knowing that this is usually the best way to control costs.
We have an open approach to our processes and are happy to explain the hows and the whys so you can
understand and trust that our can be relied on to support and help grow your business.
Our Area
Bigger perspective
We are most happy to do close business with customers anywhere from Perth to Bunbury
as this gives us the chance to do face to face feedback and provide hands-on help.
That doesn't mean that if you are located somewhere else we will not help if you ask.
We support our products as best as we can wherever in the world you are and we
hope our free products will help everybody. Donations via Paypal or digital currencies
are always gratefully recieved anonymous or not.
How we might be able to help you
We are focussed on helping businesses improve their use of software and maximize value returned from there technology investment.
This ranges from writing all new software through integrating other packages you may already have or advising on what to get.
We can simply modernize old software you already have with options like cloud hosting oradding any other feature you are missing.
If you already have one or more programmers working for you, or you are the programmer, we can provide mentoring to help guide
the development process, software lifecycle and coding standards.
Some of this can be done online but we preffer face to face interactions where possible.
Our industry is cluttered with a lot of buzz words and some really smart people
who often lose perspective on what is really needed. We talk plain english and
will never try to bamboozle you to hide something we don't know. If you want to
work in the computer software industry for a long time then you have to like
learning so we make it our business to learn fsat and properly.
We can help you build up a long term strategy and to plan how the right use of
information technology will support you business for many years to come. We can
also provide tactical short term fixes to help overcome more immediate concerns.
We have worked on all scales of systems from the tiniest of applications used by
a few people to vast enterprise solutions used world wide 24x7. Our experience covers
work for clients in many industries from Mining and resources, through government
and law enforcement, media and legal. Knowing about your business and your specific
needs is why custom software can be a a better solution than something more general.
Have a look at the experience of our developers to see some of the stuff we have done